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Overcoming Church Hurt


Are you tired of carrying the weight of church hurt and longing for healing and restoration?

In "Overcoming Church Hurt," authors Apostle Joshua Giles and Prophetess Dee Giles offer a compassionate and empowering guide to help you find your way out of the pain and into a place of healing, wholeness, and renewed faith.

Drawing from their own personal experiences of navigating through church hurt, Joshua and Dee provide practical insights, biblical wisdom, and powerful testimonies that will resonate with anyone who has felt betrayed, manipulated, or wounded by church leaders or fellow believers.

They delve deep into the root causes of church hurt, exposing the tactics of manipulation, control, and false teachings that can infiltrate even the most seemingly anointed ministries.

What you'll get: As our expression of appreciation for your BEST GIFT  we will send you a FREE copy of this book along with a video teaching that will elevate you and bring victory and breakthrough!!